DECEMBER 13th and 14th

The statutes were the biggest challenge along with the elaboration of the provincial project. We spent two and a half days trying to put our diversity together in a single document. Everyone agreed to have simple and concrete Statutes according to the current reality of our Province. Decisions were made considering each one, trying to give life and embracing every sister of our Province. The final result was truly God’s work; when we felt that it was too hard and impossible, He came to help us. He placed his merciful hand on our fragile humanity and something new took shape. What a beautiful experience to perceive God dwelling among us!
On December 14, we celebrated the Eucharist in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a sign of gratitude to God and our Mother Mary, thanking her for her intercession and expressing our desire to walk as she did, trusting in God's plan.
The Eucharist was presided by Fr. Victor Hugo Garcia Anaya with the presence of the capitulants and the sisters from the Community of Maria de Guadalupe and the Provincial House. It was a very meaningful way of offering to God the fruit of our work and with the confidence that He will make grow what was sown during this week.
On our return to the house, we were delighted by a cultural act during lunch. Mexican folklore was present through the mariachi that allowed us to share the joy and happiness of being together.
In the closing ceremony, the Word of God encouraged us to live in a manner worthy of the vocation we have received; to continue in faith this second stage of restructuring with openness to transformation through humility, patience and love for one another.
We ended with a sending to our communities with the task of being light and witness of the passage of God during this time of grace.