Morelia Community


We are a multipurpose community made up of three sisters.

We belong to the Parish of the Holy Child Jesus of Health, Sanctuary of the Archdiocese of Morelia, we collaborate with a catechesis center in our house attending children from four years old and once a week we support in the Liturgy.

We carry out our mission through the integral and personalized attention to young university students who reside in the “Marie Poussepin House”; accompanying the formation processes of our postulants and aspirants who are preparing for Religious Life in the Congregation; and in the synodal collaboration with the Vicar and the Pastoral Curia of the Archdiocese of Morelia.

Faithful to the legacy of our foundress, Marie Poussepin, we strive to form continuators of the mission by accompanying the group of Lay Dominicans Presentation of the community, in their formation process and in the weekly Lectio Divina.